Here are some important dates for this term. It has been sent home with your children but school bags seem to gobble up notices - especially important ones!
A quick note- Please make sure your child has these at school every day - A blue pen, red pen, pencil, ruler, glue stick and scissors. These are important for them to be able to complete their work properly. If they do not have them at school they may be sent to the office to purchase these and a note will come home to let you know how much each item is :)
Important dates for Room 14...
Week 8
Mon 03.09.12
Miss Allen to see your speech draft completed. (A lot of you havent completed this!!!!)
Wed 05.09.12
Ski trip. Be at school at 6.50am. Back approx 5.00pm
Fri 07.08.12
Flight Day. Bring your recycled kite that you have made at home for the day. (Mrs Cameron is with you today - Check what you need to bring on Monday)
Week 9
Mon 10.09.12
1. Bring one handkerchief, some string and a clothes peg to school for a science experiment!
2. Cue cards and 1 copy of your speech to Miss Allen.
Thurs 13.09.12
Speeches for Paris, Isabel, Matthew, Indi and Meike in Room 14 from 11.30 – 12.40pm.
Week 10
1. Speeches for Baile, Logan, Oskar, Ben and Sophie H in Room 14 from 11.30 – 12.40pm.
2. Football skills today – bring a change of clothes.
Tue 18.09.12
Speeches for Georgina, Max, Corbin, Fraser and Olivia in Room 14 from 11.30 – 12.40pm.
Wed 19.09.12
Speeches for Sophie N, Camilla, Caitlin, Nicole and Catherine in Room 14 from 11.30 – 12.40pm.
Thurs 20.09.12
Speeches for Lachlan, Jamie, Ariana, Nathaniel and Lydia in Room 14 from 11.30 – 12.40pm.
Fri 21.09.12
Life Education Bus 1.40 – 2.30pm.
Week 11
Thurs 27.09.12
1. Life Education bus 9.10 – 10.10
2. End of term fractions test
3. Football skills today - bring a change of clothes.
Fri 28.09.12 – LAST DAY OF TERM
1.Speech finals – Year 5’s in the hall 10.30 – 11.30.
2.Speech finals – Year 6’s in the hall 1.30 – 3.00.
We have a lot on in the next few weeks so make sure you are prepared each morning!
Miss Allen
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